Aging gracefully is a natural biological process. However, it is also a deeply psychological phenomenon. As we age, our priorities change. So do our concerns about our looks.
With changes in lifestyle, the stress of modern life and poor diet, many of us are encountering premature aging. One study shows that around half of the world's population looks older than its true age.
Perhaps one of the most noticeable features of premature aging is premature greying of hair. It is not always a pretty sight, even when this happens to a relatively older person.
In the present age, where youth and beauty are celebrated, it is important that we take care of our appearance, especially our hair. In this blog, we shall explain some simple home remedies for grey hair.
What is Greying of Hair?
Our hair color comes from a natural pigment found in our hair follicles. This pigment is called melanin. It is found in abundance in both skin cells as well as hair follicles. However, as we age, we tend to lose this natural pigment from our bodies.
While this is a natural biological process, there are a couple of factors that cause premature greying of hair. These factors include stress, smoking and alcohol, genetics, poor diet, deficiency of essential vitamins and minerals, pollution and weather conditions.
What are the Causes of Grey Hair?
Genetics: Grey hair is first and foremost linked to genetics. Even if one of your parents or grandparents had premature grey hair, you too are likely to encounter it early in your life. Some studies have shown that races that have low levels of natural melanin are prone to having grey hair early in life.
Stress: Stress is another key factor leading to the greying of hair follicles. Stress increases blood pressure, anxiety and can also lead to loss of natural pigment of the hair.
Diet: Poor dietary habits, especially ones that consist of fried foods, increase the free radical generation in our body. Free radicals hasten the aging process, turning the natural color of our hair into white.
Vitamin deficiency: Deficiency in vitamins B, D and E, along with a deficiency in Biotin (a kind of protein), also affects the hair color and intensifies the process of premature greying.
Pollution & weather: Pollutants in the air not only affect the lungs but also the pigments in our skin and hair. Just as exposure to sunlight can lead to tanning on the skin and potentially cause skin cancer, pollution and harsh UV rays of the summer sun can also generate free radicals in our body and lead to oxidative stress.
Use of cosmetics: Artificial hair colors contain ammonia and other harmful chemicals. These chemicals have the potential to decrease the melanin content of your skin and lead to premature greying. As such, you must stay away from chemicals like hydrogen peroxide and bleaching agents in hair colors.
What are the Home Remedies for White Hair?
White hair can easily be tackled at home. Treatment of grey hair need not always be hair coloring. This is because no hair color can be permanent. You need to frequently have a touch up of the color.
In doing so, you would be exposing yourself to even more chemicals. Here are seven effective solutions for grey hair:
1. Henna
This is an age-old remedy for the treatment of grey hair. Henna is a dried powder made from an herb called Lawsonia Inermis. This plant is widely available in different parts of India and South Asia. The dried powder is commercially sold.
It can be mixed with yogurt or plain water to turn it into a smooth paste. Apply this on your hair and let it rest for a couple of hours, before washing it off with shampoo. You can use a gentle conditioner afterwards.

2. Vitamins

We have already seen that vitamins B, D, E and Biotin influence the color of your hair. These vitamins are widely found in fresh fruits and vegetables, while Biotin is found in fish, meat, nuts, spinach and avocado.
You can easily incorporate these elements into your daily diet. Alternatively, you can also use vitamin and Biotin supplements that can prevent premature greying of hair.
3. Black tea
Black tea is filled with natural antioxidants. It helps in hair growth, while preventing hair loss. Tea water also lends a natural dark brown hue to your hair strands.
All you need to do in this hair treatment is to boil a large cup of water with some organic black tea leaves. Brew it for a couple of minutes, cool it and rinse your hair with this mixture. Do this regularly to see positive results.

4. Almond oil with lemon juice

Almond oil prevents greying of hair. Lemon juice makes hair strands stay shiny while also preventing dandruff and hair fall. Massage almond oil and lemon juice in a 2:3 ratio on your scalp at night. Leave this overnight, before washing it off the next morning.
5. Coffee
Like black tea, coffee is also a natural antioxidant. Caffeine is said to boost hair growth while lending a rich brownish tinge to your hair strands. You can choose to mix the coffee powder in your henna pack or simply rinse hair strands with coffee brewed with water.

6. Shikakai

Shikakai is great for both hair shine and hair color. Mix Shikakai powder with yogurt (as you would do with henna) and apply liberally on hair. Leave it overnight and rinse it off in the morning.
7. Onion juice
Onion juice increases the enzyme, Catalase, thereby darkening our hair. Mix 2-3 tablespoons of onion juice with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Mix well and apply on the scalp. Leave it overnight for the best results. Not only does onion juice prevent greying of hair, but it also prevents hair loss and promotes hair growth.

Home-grown remedies for grey hair are easy and sometimes are seen to be effective. Unfortunately the ways are many but the culmination of goals are seldom achieved. Also there is a need for you to make certain lifestyle changes.
As we have seen in the above discussion, grey hair is primarily determined by the presence of melanin pigment. Genetics, poor diet, stress and use of chemical-based hair colors can deplete this melanin pigment.
Simple home remedies for grey hair – from henna to shikakai – are effective against premature greying. Coffee and tea leaves are natural coloring agents that lend a rich, natural color to your hair.
However, if you are looking for professional hair care and hair loss solutions to fulfil your dreams, you should visit us at Advanced Hair Studio, where our team of experts is ready to offer you a range of effective hair treatments.
Our Fitness Program is meant for those who are in their initial stages of hair loss. It consists of our state-of-the-art Laser Hair Therapy along with our in-house hair supplements like hair thickening shampoo, hair thickening serum and hair regrowth supplement.
Our revolutionary hair restoration treatment, called Supernatural, seeks to restore an individual’s lost natural hair strands and prevents hair loss in the future.
We, at Advanced Hair Studio, have successfully catered to a wide range of clients, including an array of Hollywood celebrities and sportspersons. From surgical and non-surgical solutions to cosmetic therapies and products, we offer a wide range of treatments for all kinds of hair damage and hair loss.