On an average, 50 - 100 hair strands per day is the normal rate of hair fall, which, considering that the average scalp contains 100,000 follicular hair, may not...
You might be having the urge to constantly pull your hair. You may even be ashamed of it but you cannot control it. The reason you are doing so is because you may...
Hair on a person’s scalp always undergoes three phases: 1. Anagen phase 2. Catagen phase 3. Telogen phase Anagen is termed as the growing phase for hair.
Greasy, untidy, falling hair are things that people lose sleep over. In today’s time, it is necessary to care for your hair & nurture them if you want them to look...
How many of us take our shiny, healthy hair locks for granted? Treating hair with bleaching and chemical relaxants, heat styling... blonde today, brunette tomorrow,...
As everyone knows, there is a strong link between hair loss and confidence. Before we explore the link between the two, we have to ask ourselves a simple question...
Some top tips on how to keep your hair healthy. There are a number of ways in which to keep your hair healthy. They range from diet to the everyday practices and...
Can dandruff cause hair loss in men? Dandruff and hair loss often occur simultaneously, so it makes sense that men who suffer from both wonder whether these two...
Can particular types of hair cuts affect the normal hair growth cycle? At Advanced Hair Studio UAE, we receive a lot of queries regarding hairstyles and whether it...